5 Ways To Keep Your Dog In Your Yard



minutes read


31 May 2024

The Options for You

Does your dog escape to visit his mates down the road?  Do they escape to chase cars?  Maybe your dog has just jumped the fence and caused havoc on the neighbour’s farm.  The solution; stop your dog from being able to break the boundary of your property, which is sometimes easier said than done. There are many different methods and techniques to keep the escape artists contained; let’s go through your options.

Tethering the Dog

This should only be a temporary solution to your escaping dog problem. Unfortunately, in some instances, it is more of a permanent arrangement. Accidental strangulation is one of the most common issues faced with tying your dog up. Dehydration is another potentially fatal side effect of tethering the dog if it knocks its water bowl over and can’t find another source. There are more advanced systems of tethering your dog using a staked-out area and a run for the dog to use as their dwelling.  This is one of the more basic methods of handling your escaping dogs.

BENEFITS:  Efficient, easy construction and quite inexpensive.

DRAWBACKS:  Too restrictive for the dog, potentially fatal outcomes.

Electrified Fencing

An effective way of stopping the escaping dog from digging under the fence.  These live fences will deliver an electric shock if you touch the wire or ribbon.  If the dog is jumping the fence and not touching the ground, therefore not completing the circuit, the fence becomes ineffective.  If a branch or tree falls on and grounds the wire, it will allow the escaping dog to flee with no repercussion.

BENEFITS:  A simple system to install, relatively inexpensive

DRAWBACKS:  Any wildlife that touches wire is shocked. Ineffective for jumping dogs.

Dog Containment System

One of the most effective solutions for controlling your escaping dog.  Also referred to as invisible dog fences, the dog wears a collar receiver, a wire which carries a radio signal runs around the property. If the dog gets too close to the wire, he gets a warning and then if he keeps moving closer, a static correction is delivered. The system requires the dog to be wearing the collar to deliver the correction though if the initial training is completed correctly, the dog will usually avoid the fence line whether wearing the collar or not.  The wire can be dug into the ground or hung on existing fencing, ensuring a simple setup that is also aesthetically pleasing.

BENEFITS: Cost-effective, easy setup, most reliable form of containment in most instances

DRAWBACKS:  Dog must wear collar to receive correction.

Dog Enclosures/ Kennel Runs:

Either have one installed or build it yourself, they are effectively cages for dogs.  Good measure, but limited space isn’t acceptable in most permanent situations.  It may be the only solution if other methods aren’t available.  It’s very important to make sure the dog is exercised thoroughly when outside kennelling times.

BENEFITS: Quality runs are an acceptable solution for escaping dogs; you can also find cost-effective DIY runs.

DRAWBACKS:  Custom runs are usually quite expensive.  Restrictive, the owner must commit to routine exercise.

Building Adequate Fencing:

A great solution for your escaping dog situation when built properly.  You will also need to consider trenching for digging dogs and make sure you have more than enough height for the jumpers.

BENEFITS:  Customisable, secure and non-restrictive.

DRAWBACKS:  EXPENSIVE! The larger the property, the more expensive the fence is.